I know what Donald Jeffries is talking about.

A few years ago, I was driving peacefully to work in Missoula when a certain motorcycle cop pulled me over and gave me a ticket because I (according to him) drove through a cross-walk on Broadway while there was a pedestrian in it. The fact that I was entering the cross-walk when the pedestrian stepped off the sidewalk into it from 40 feet away on the other side of the street did not make a difference to the cop. I was in violation of The Law and had to be punished for it.

Great revenue enhancement tactic, by the way. Extortion works!

I did not pay the fine. Instead, I demanded the evidence (discovery) which consisted of a video taken by the cop. After numerous viewings, I went to the city attorney and told her she did not have a good case, as the video was not conclusive enough to prove me guilty. It was the cop’s word against mine and she readily dropped the charge.

Funny thing, though. I made a comment to her about how the cop could have given me a warning instead of a ticket, but when questioned why he didn’t, claimed that he couldn’t. He had to write the ticket. He was required to write the ticket. I told the attorney that I considered the cop a liar, at which she became quite angry and literally ordered me not to “attack” her officer.

Needless to say, the conversation was over. I collected my Notice of Absolvement and went on my way.